Belvedere Spa: projects, development, innovation
Belvedere works to enhance the territory in all its forms; in this context, the collaboration with Naturaliter, a leading company in the field of museum installations, was born. The idea that new life can be born from waste was the inspiration from which the sculptures in polystyrene and polyurethane foam, covered with cement fibres, were born, placed around the Green Triangle in the plant area. Other specimens can be found at the amphitheatre of Fonte Mazzola and at the business incubator.
The shape of the landfill in the landscape is that of a large depression where the softness of the green hills that surround it is interrupted to give way to a series of layers of the light gray soil under which lies the accumulation of garbage.
Which, however, remains little visible as well as is interspersed with two large reinforced concrete retaining walls. These are the two very long walls on which Tremlett has decided to intervene (in addition to three silos that are part of the area where the process of transformation of waste material into gas takes place). Located in the highest part of the territory and in the slightly lower one, these two walls divide the landfill itself from the space where the machinery and offices are located.
La conformazione della discarica nel paesaggio è quella di un grande avvallamento dove la morbidezza delle colline verdi che la circondano si interrompe per lasciare il posto a una serie di stratificazioni del terreno di colore grigio chiaro sotto cui giace l’accumulo di immondizia.
La quale rimane però nell’insieme poco visibile così come è inframmezzata da due grandi muri di contenimento in cemento armato. Sono queste le due lunghissime pareti su cui Tremlett ha deciso di intervenire (oltre a tre silos che fanno parte della zona dove avviene il processo di trasformazione del materiale di scarto in gas). Dislocati nella parte più alta del territorio e in quella leggermente più in basso, questi due muri dividono la discarica vera e propria dallo spazio dove si trovano i macchinari e gli uffici.
Antonella Soldaini
Belvedere supports as Corporate Golden Donor the Italian Environment Fund (IEF) which works for the protection and enhancement of the artistic and natural heritage.

There are many cultural activities. Among these we point out first the artistic-literary paths created in collaboration with the Municipality, the Peccioliper Foundation, and local associations.
Benozzo Gozzoli

Belvedere, in agreement with the Municipality and the Peccioliper Foundation, proceeded to install, validated by the Superintendence of Pisa, a life-size reproduction of the original work: a twin tabernacle of the one inside the chapel dedicated to Santa Caterina in which to carry out the pictorial reintegration of the copy of Gozzoli’s fresco, partly lost.
City of Peccioli – Sabatini Cup

Every year we support the Giro Della Toscana “Memorial Alfredo Martini” and the “Gran Premio di ciclismo Città di Peccioli – Coppa Sabatini” which for a long tradition crosses the Municipality of Peccioli and the Valdera.
On July 21, 2010, the Legoli Waste Disposal and Treatment Plant was the unusual and extraordinary setting for the “Fashion Tour 2010” fashion show-event.